Just An Example -Exhibition in Godot Gallery, Budapest

Opening: March 2nd 2016 8 p.m.
 Opening by: Miklós Mécs
 Curator: Borbála Laczkovich
Open: until April 2nd from Tuesdays to Fridays from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Krisztina Erdei studied philosophy and political theory, which is so apparent in her choice of subjects and in her sensibility toward social issues. Her latest works provide a novel approach to the possibilities of photography. She has chosen a new genre, the animated gif, which is so popular and widespread on the internet but which can open up new possibilities in visual thinking when used as an artistic way of expression. This is what Krisztina Erdei makes use of in her photos exhibited here.

The pictures, which she has converted into animated gifs, are expressive in their own right, but they can be interpreted completely differently when, displayed as a sequence of frames, they turn into stories. The stories presented by the photographer may as well be published as a volume of short stories. But they are not just interesting in themselves as they call our attention to the long-term possibilities of gifs: at the exhibition the works are presented as examples of the disadvantaged state of visual education.

While we are exposed to an ever growing amount of visual information, the majority of people would still prefer math classes to drawing lessons. Even today 30-50-year-old methods are being used when teaching the interpretation of pictures in primary schools. But the exhibition offers a new alternative, a potential teaching aid and warns us of the importance of emphases in visual information.

Magnum Emergency Fund

The Emergency Fund supports experienced photographers with a commitment to documenting social issues, working long-term, and engaging with an issue over time. Projects address critical global issues that have not received the attention they deserve, or budding crises that are still over the horizon. Photographers retain the copyright to their work and distribute it widely: through traditional and new media, in collaboration with nonprofits or NGOs, and on the Emergency Fund website.

Each year, a diverse group of photography professionals nominate 100 professional photographers to submit proposals. An independent Editorial Board selects 10 to 20 photographers—based on the strength of their proposals and the importance of the issues they propose to address—to support.

Thank you for the nomination



Ex & Post – Eastern Europe under the lens

Ex & Post – Eastern Europe Under the Lens takes focus on artistic and photographic practices in the former Communist bloc, surveying the current conditions and recent histories of conflict and socialism through to the transition into capitalist market-driven economies.

Presenting works by 14 artists from across Eastern Europe, the exhibition exposes the implicit variations of a geographical definition that still crystallises symbolic and political frictions.

Particularly focusing on the continuous crisis of individual and collective values, the artists show the implosion of beliefs and principles in private and public contexts, in cities and countryside, in private flats and common grounds, at schools and in working contexts.

Depicting what could be referred to as an Ex & Post condition, the project looks at the residue of trauma from the collapse of socialist systems and how these nations are reconfiguring their cultural identity and the new allegiances at play across Europe and beyond.

Ex & Post has been curated by Sári Stenczer and coordinated by Krisztina Erdei (Photolumen, Budapest) in collaboration with ACP.

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more images and captions:



Subjective Female Documentalists

As part of Bialystok INTERPHOTO 2015, Arsenal Gallery


It will be presented from 23 October 2015 to 10 December 2015
Vernissage hrs .: 18:00
Curator: Agata Chinowska
Place: Arsenal Gallery, ul. A. Mickiewicz 2, Bialystok

Artists: Eva Kotátková (Czech), Lucia Nimcová (Slovakia) and Krisztina Erdei (Hungary)

The artists participating in the exhibition in the Arsenal Gallery in Bialystok: Eva Kotátková (Czech), Lucia Nimcová (Slovakia) and Krisztina Erdei (Hungary) have quite a lot in common: they are of one generation (born in the late 70s or early 80s of the last century), use an identical medium – photography, and come from the same Visegrad Region. Their creative activity is a subjective recording of the surrounding reality and everyday life. Each artist draws inspirations from their closest environments and settings and simultaneously refers to their past which is presented both as a political system and a nostalgia for the childhood, adolescence etc. What makes their works distinct is their individual sensitivity and unique creative intuition resulting in their choices and decisions of registering particular, specific situations.


Roszke, Hungary, 12-13. 09. 2015

This weekend I went home to Szeged and I spent 2 days near Roszke at the Hungarian- Serbian border. After many rainy days the place was really dirty. There were garbage everywhere in the fog, but many Hungarian and foreign volunteers worked in the cloud on the ground to make the “gyujtopont” cleaner and to give food and drink for the tired families just arrived. I also collected a couple of bags of garbage. It was good to see how people worked together without knowing eachother. The problem is that not just the weather was foggy but there was a total obscurity related to the informations. Nobody knew where the buses were going and what were the real options of the people crossing the wall of the police.


Átmeneti menedék

a kiállítás megtekinthető szeptember 24-ig a Liget Galériában





Mindenki érezte már, hogy szeretne elszökni, legalább egy rövid időre. Függetlenül attól, hogy milyen az aktuális helyzetünk, a problémák megoldása helyett egyszerűen csak úgy csinálni, mintha nem léteznének és lefoglalni magunkat egy alternatív valósággal. A megoldás árnyoldala csupán az, hogy időszakos és mikor újra szembesülünk a problémákkal, akkor újra elszöknénk. Ez az eszképizmus nem túl hatékony köre. A modern ember eltávolodása a társadalmi valóságtól sokféle okkal magyarázható. Lényeg, hogy szükség van a figyelemelterelésre akár szórakozás, akár pihenés formájában, hogy a hétköznapi élet nyomását enyhítsük.

Magyarországon a kultúra része a kocsmázás. A fogyasztás mennyiségét tekintve pedig a világ éllovasai közé tartozunk. Aligha kétséges, hogy a népesebb falvakban és a mezővárosokban már a középkortól működtek csapszékek, bormérések, amelyek egy idő után folyamatosan működő kocsmává intézményesültek. Helyek, amelyhez vallási ünnepek, hagyományok kapcsolódtak és emberek menedékévé vált az évszázadok során.

Ma is fontos szerepet töltenek be a kocsmák. Az ideérkező turisták egyik fő célpontja a (rom)kocsmák látogatása. A kocsma, mely a közösségi alkoholfogyasztás intézménye, a társadalmi viselkedésformák komplex színtere. Zárt világából kizárja a hétköznapok unalmát vagy a civilizáció gondját, baját. A kötetlen, nyilvános eszmecsere átmeneti otthona. „A kocsma menedék. Az egyetlen hely, ahol még elbújhatunk a világ elől. A kocsma az emberi civilizáció utolsó mentsvára.”(Cserna-Szabó András).

 Jelenleg a napi politika is a menekülésről szól. Átmeneti menedéket kell nyújtanunk az ide érkező migránsoknak. Nekik többnyire a háborús övezet a társadalmi és politikai valóságuk. Tranzitország vagyunk, ahova az emberek megérkeznek, de minél gyorsabban tovább is akarnak haladni. Egy betérő, ahol egyelőre teljes a káosz és az „ajtó” működése egyelőre tisztázatlan.

A fotóinstalláció az aktuális európai humanitárius katasztrófahelyzet és egy évszázados hagyomány kontrasztját emeli ki.

Ex & Post – Eastern Europe under the lens

2010.07.26 21.06, Alusta, Ukraine


20 June – 16 August 2015

Australian Center for Photography, Sydney

Ex & Post presents the works of 14 contemporary photomedia artists based in Eastern Europe. Investigating the many cultural, economical and geographical connections between these countries, the exhibition goes beyond the clichés and exposes the intricacies of this political hot spot.

This exhibition features Andrej Balco, Tamás Dezső, Andrea Diefenbach, Krisztina Erdei, Kirill Golovchenko, Ivars Gravlejs, Iosif Kiraly, Rafal Milach, Marge Monko, Vesselina Nikolaeva, Lucia Nimcova, Tehnica Schweiz, Saša Tkačenko and Iveta Vaivode. Curated by Sàri Stenczer and coordinated by Krisztina Erdei (Photolumen, Budapest) in collaboration with ACP.



Lumen Fiók #3 / Lumen Station #3 | Reap and Sow | kiadvány bemutató / Issue release


Lumen Station #3
Reap and Sow
Issue release

Having received a lot of attention by contemporary art recently, the topic of this Lumen Station publication is agricultural production. More specifically, strategies of self-
sustenance and survival for individuals, small groups or a whole society, that have emerged primarily but not exclusively within art projects and initiatives launched by artists.

Utopias, an ever unreachable ideal world and the other side of the coin, dystopias, the nightmare of a dark, fearful era have been present all along known human history. However, in the recent past there has been an inevitable abundance of theories forecasting a collapse, and, parallel or maybe even as a response to these, appeared agricultural production, self sustenance and return to nature as more optimistic, counter­utopian ideas. This is not so much an artistic impulse, but a social phenomenon, which however interests many socially-engaged artists.

Editor: Virág Major
Co­Editors: Krisztina Erdei, Gergely László, Judit Szalipszki

Graphic Design: Katarina Šević

Contributors: Collective Plant, Andrea DUDÁS FAJGERNÉ and SZABÓ Eszter Ágnes, ex-artists’ collective, Fallen Fruit, finger group and Katalin ERDŐDI, Fallen Fruit, Ivan Ladislav GALETA, Fernando GARCIA­DORY, Gergely HORVÁTH ­ Róbert NAGY, Valentina KARGA, Christoph KELLER, Elke KRASNY, George McKAY, Miklós MÉCS, 
Myvillages, Nils NORMAN, Endre Lehel PAKSI, Claire PENTECOST, Klaus PICHLER, Harry SACHS ­ Franz HÖFNER

Publisher: Lumen Photography Foundation – www.photolumen.hu

The event will be accompanied by the screening of Paths Through Utopias (director: Isabelle Fremeaux, John Jordan).

The buffet during the event will be organized by the contributors of the publication from their own produces.

About Lumen Station program:
Between 2004 and 2012 the Foundation ran an international exhibition space in Budapest: the Lumen Gallery. As of 2012, the Lumen Committee has opened a new chapter. The monthly solo shows are substituted by the Lumen Station program, the publishing program of the Lumen Foundation. Within this framework a single project or a general topic is chosen and focused upon in a publication. Instead of the artwork and the exhibition, the artistic process and its context are put into spotlight.

The publication is released in the framework of the Off­Biennale Budapest.
