Secondary Archive

I am happy to be involved in Secondary Archive – Platform for women artists from Central and Eastern Europe, in which many great artists shared their experiences and thoughts on gender issues. Please be with us for the official inauguration at 11 AM on Friday 9th of April
For more information please visit the platform.

Embrace Blue, Puzzle Through

The photo project Embrace Blue, Puzzle Through features twelve contemporary Hungarian photographers as part of the Small Steps Foundation’s campaign for World Autism Awareness Day.

Artists: Szabolcs Barakonyi, Róbert László Bácsi, Gabriella Csoszó, Zsuzsa Darab, Krisztina Erdei, Enikő Hangay, Dénes Mártonfai, Balázs Mohai, Zoltán Molnár, Marcell Piti, Éva Szombat, Szilvi Tóth

Curator: Gabriella Csizek

Through the images already known from other contexts or created specifically for the project, one finds a shared photographic attitude: the photographers show the hidden connections of reality according to their own worldviews, rendering the images meaningful both to them and to the viewers. The color blue, also known as the symbol of autism, appears differently in every image: sometimes subtly hidden, sometimes prominent, from the blue of the sky to the blue of the globe-ball. 

2005. 01. 26. 14.26, Kiskundorozsma, Hungary (from the series Formalities)

The selected works each represent a distinct world, and together, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, they form the exhibition as a whole.

For more information please visit this site