Ex & Post – Eastern Europe under the lens

Ex & Post – Eastern Europe Under the Lens takes focus on artistic and photographic practices in the former Communist bloc, surveying the current conditions and recent histories of conflict and socialism through to the transition into capitalist market-driven economies.

Presenting works by 14 artists from across Eastern Europe, the exhibition exposes the implicit variations of a geographical definition that still crystallises symbolic and political frictions.

Particularly focusing on the continuous crisis of individual and collective values, the artists show the implosion of beliefs and principles in private and public contexts, in cities and countryside, in private flats and common grounds, at schools and in working contexts.

Depicting what could be referred to as an Ex & Post condition, the project looks at the residue of trauma from the collapse of socialist systems and how these nations are reconfiguring their cultural identity and the new allegiances at play across Europe and beyond.

Ex & Post has been curated by Sári Stenczer and coordinated by Krisztina Erdei (Photolumen, Budapest) in collaboration with ACP.

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