SALT.CLAY.ROCK on nuclear past and radiant futures

In the midst of the current energy crisis, how do we think about nuclear energy and the search for energy alternatives? Can we imagine energy futures not only without fossil fuel, but also beyond the nuclear? And how do we deal with high-level radioactive waste? Inspired by the three types of rock—salt, clay, and granite—that are considered suitable containers for nuclear waste storage, SALT. CLAY. ROCK. takes a situated and site-specific approach to artistic research. Eight commissioned artists are invited to engage with different places and communities across Germany and Hungary—from tiny villages to industrialized small towns—that host nuclear infrastructures (such as uranium mines, power plants, and waste repositories), or that have been important sites of anti-nuclear resistance.

Artists: Ana Alenso, András Cséfalvay, Krisztina Erdei, Csilla Nagy & Rita Süveges, Sonya Schönberger, Marike Schreiber, Dominika Trapp, Anna Witt

More info about the project:

The Sari family in the visitor center of RHK (Nuclear Storage Facility) in Bátaapáti