Hope Chest

Hope Chest: Traditionally in the form of a wooden trunk or box, contained the dowry of a young woman. The box and its content played an important part not only in the business transaction between two families, but served as a survival kit for the new life a girl was about to enter.

Torpedo factory, 2016, Rijeka, Croatia
Torpedo factory, 2016, Rijeka, Croatia

The Hope Chest didn’t just contain the objects that would secure a young women’s future but comprised her heritage, her sense of belonging. With this in mind we produced a Hope Chest that traveled from the Old World to the New World and then back again. At each station a group of artist will participate in shaping the content of the Box and therefore the exhibition. With this gesture of sharing and hands-on participation we want to highlight the highly international intellectual exchange within the international Art community, and therefore this exhibition series allows maximum visibility of this inspirational exchange.

2016 September, Österreich Institut Budapest