Water and Future

Nation-wide billboard exhibition
on the occasion of the Budapest Water Summit 2013
September 1 – 30, 2013.

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BENKŐ Imre, DARÓCZI Csaba, DRÉGELY Imre, ERDEI Krisztina, FABRICIUS Anna, HAJDÚ D. András, HARTYÁNYI Norbert, H. SZABÓ Sándor, KÁLLAI Márton, KALLOS Bea, KASZA Gábor, KÉKESI Donát, KUDÁSZ Gábor Arion, MÁTÉ Bence, MOLNÁR Zoltán, PÁLYI Zsófia, SIMON Márk, STILLER Ákos, SZILÁGYI Lenke, TELEK Balázs, TÓTH Szilvi

Water, a fundamental condition of life, has become one major issue in public life. We are continuously warned about the importance of conscious consumption, or hear debates about the melting arctic ice, the raising of dams. Every day we see images of devastating floods, raging storms, or threatening droughts in the media. No wonder that photography, today’s most popular genre of imaging, also deals with the topic on a daily basis.

The selection, which now is presented on billboards and citylight posters, features a wide array of photographic interpretations by renowned artists, ranging from press images through fine art or nature photography to the documentary style. The exhibit seeks to respond to how Hungarian artists portray and apply the theme of water through their research, reports, and artistic attitudes. We intended to transmit essential questions of sustainable development to the broadest possible masses through the medium of photography.

Emerging throughout the country, the photographs were selected from works taken after 2000 by Hungarian photo-artists but not necessarily in Hungary. The curator of the exhibition is Sári Stenczer.

On the occasion of the Budapest Water Summit, the Hungarian House of Photography, together with INDAFOTÓ site, also announced a photography contest to provide an opportunity for all those camera users who find it important to reflect on water and to capture its peculiar, characteristics and features. All submissions are available viahttp://indafoto.hu/gyujtemenyek/viz_es_jovo , while the selection of 10 entries will be on view at the Hungarian House of Photography’s Mai Manó Gallery between September 19 and October 13, 2013. More information: www.budapestwatersummit.hu és www.maimano.hu

The nation-wide billboard exhibit and the organization of the photo contest were funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Human Resources.